Large Communal Bath
Have you heard of the “hormesis effect”??
Our hot spring will help you feel better just by taking a deep breath!
Your experience starts when you walk through the lit up corridor to go to the hot spring bath.
The men’s hot spring is on the 2nd floor using black granite stones, while the women’s hot spring is on the first floor using red granite,
but both are very spacious and you can enjoy a classic Japanese atmosphere.

Open-air Hot Spring

You will feel extremely luxurious while in the beautiful open-air hot spring
with a cool breeze blowing.
To let you enjoy and be relaxed, the water temperature of open-air hot spring bath is set slightly lower than the indoor baths.
Please relax and spend your time in luxury while looking at the stars and seasonal views.

Reserved Private Bath
Relax without having other people’s eyes on you
in your own private bath made of granite.

How about taking a freshly drawn bath while viewing the scenery of our courtyard? Our private bath is an indoor bath using water from a hot spring and the hot water will be freshly drawn for each group! Though small in size, please enjoy Misasa Hot Spring in luxury.
貸切風呂(有料 事前予約制)ご宿泊者のみ
1組 1,650円(税込)(1〜3人位まで入れます)
時間 15:30〜20:30
Private bath (Paid advance reservation system)
1 pair 1,650 yen (including tax)
Open 15:30-20:30

Enjoy the Hormesis Effect!
The hot water of Misasa’s spring is called “radium chloride spring” containing radon.
When radon, which is the gas produced when radiation element “radium” collapses, is inhaled and circulates in the blood through the body, it stimulates and activates whole body cells.
That means it promotes metabolism and helps to boost the immune system. We call this the “Hormesis Effect”, and Misasa hot spring is especially receiving attention as one of the
world’s best radium springs.
温泉名 Name of Hot Spring |
三朝温泉 放流・循環併用式 町有混合泉(1号泉・4号泉・6号泉・新1号泉)(約50℃) Misasa Hot Spring Combination of Discharge and Circulation Mixed spring(1st Spring・4th Spring・6th Spring・New 1st Spring) (Approx.50C) |
効能(適応症) Efficacy |
細胞の活性化、毛細血管の拡張、新陳代謝の向上、免疫力や自然治癒力を向上する効果があり、疲労回復、健康増進、神経痛、 筋肉痛、関節痛、婦人病、胃腸病、冷え性、皮膚病などによく効きます。禁忌症 急性疾患(特に熱のある場合)、活動性結 核、重い心臓病、呼吸不全、腎不全、出血性疾患、高度貧血、妊娠(特に初期と末期) Activates cells, expands capillary vessels, improves metabolism, promotes immune system and healing power, recovers fatigue, promotes health, helps with neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, gynecological illness, gastrointestinal disease, poor circulation, dermatosis, contraindication, acute disease (especially with a fever), active tuberculosis, cardiac disease, respiratory insufficiency, hepatic insufficiency, hemorrhagic disease, anemia and pregnancy (early and term) |
利用時間 Hours |
【大浴場】15:00〜23:00, 6:00〜9:00 婦人用1階 殿方用2階(男女の入れ替えはございません)
【Large Communal Bath】15:00〜23:00, 6:00〜9:00 First floor for ladies/The second floor is for men(There is no change of men and women) |
浴場内アメニティ Bath amenities |
シャンプー、コンディショナー、ボディーソープ、綿棒、ティッシュ Shampoo, conditioner, body soap, swab, tissues |
その他設備 Main amenities |
鍵付きロッカー、ベビーベッド(女子大浴場)、パウダールーム、ドライヤー Locker with key, Baby Bed (women’s communal bath), powder room, hair dryer |
ご入浴のみのご利用 |
【大浴場・露天風呂】15:00~21:00(最終受付20:30) |